Sunday, February 3, 2008


You've just bought a lace front wig and are excited about the fact that you will no longer have to worry about bad hair days. You are confident that on the days your own temperamental locks start acting out you will be able to grab your lace front wig, attach it to your scallop and walk out the door, looking like you spent hours at the hair salon. In theory you're right. A Lace Front Wig will give you a reputation for excellent hair but only if you take proper care of your Lace Front Wig.

Proper storage is the key to maintaining your Lace Front Wig's excellent condition. Do not under any circumstances put your wig next to a radiator, fan, or somewhere that dust accumulates faster then you can remove it, all three of these things can lead to the destruction of your wig. Keep your Lace Front Wig out of the reach of pets and small children. After wearing your Lace Front Wig, brush it. When not wearing your wig cover it with a hair net, this will help prevent the wig from matting. Whenever you Lace Front Wig isn't on your head, make sure it's on a wig stand.

Looking for the best quality lace front wigs or full lace wig, please visit us

We have the most affordable and best quality lace front wigs on the net.

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